We’re Bawa & Dinesh
Authors | Speakers | Teachers | Healers
Struggling with Life?!
So did we…
We have had our share of spectacular failures and extreme disappointments.
Both of us were Introverts
You may not believe this, but it is true… We had hardly any friends throughout our school and college years.
Dinesh was frustrated and angry because he wanted to make a difference to society, to the people around him – but he was held back by his family and his introverted nature.
Bawa was a social pariah in his community – because he was simply not interested in things he was expected to be interested in. Cars, bikes and branded clothes. He chose to study, read and play the piano.
Bawa failed several times
I made several bad decisions about what I wanted to study, and who I wanted to be. I was forever starting stuff, and in a short while giving up. I was a confused, angry person. I failed multiple times during my time in IIT.
Dinesh’s family vehemently opposed his choices
We were a small middle class family entrenched in tradition. Especially my mother. She expected me to have a “normal life” and at one point even threatened suicide if I went to “that ashram again”. They were shocked and dismayed that I chose to become an Art of Living teacher, instead of taking up an extremely high paying job in the US.
We were falsely accused of stealing
The truth came out eventually, but it hurt that so many around us thought that we had actually done something like that. Going through this made us realise who were truly our friends.
Bawa had multiple health challenges
I had two herniated discs in my lower back that were torturously painful for years. I have a genetic deficiency in my blood that compromises my immune system. Poor lifestyle choices meant I struggled with insomnia, anxiety and terrible panic attacks.
We were embezzled by people we considered our family
Looking back, we still cannot believe that people who we so totally trusted and loved stole almost all our life savings. We had to literally start from scratch.
Dejection, Frustration, Helplessness, Desperation, Fear
We have been through them all…
transform everything.
We survived.
More importantly – we kept our Smiles.
Challenges and obstacles continue to come
but our lives only get better.
Spirituality can
transform Everything
We survived.
More importantly,
we kept our Smiles.
Challenges and obstacles
continue to come
but our lives only
get better.
We started our foray into Spirituality early in life.
Drawing inspiration from our beloved Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, we were barely 21 when we became Art of Living teachers.
Bawa – “I was solving partial differential equations by day, and teaching people meditation in the evening. I didn’t even apply for a job on campus – I had found my calling.”
Dinesh -“I worked at Infosys for a while – I wrote code during my working hours, and like Bawa, taught Yoga and meditation in the evening. In less than two years, I quit my job and began to teach with Bawa.”
Soon, we were inseperable and became a formidable team.
Over the years, my love for fitness and health blossomed, and I trained hard each day. With Bawa, I studied the mysteriously magical human body that I have been gifted with from the Alternative Healing perspective. I learned about the importance of diet, sleep and controlled movement. I created bountiful health for myself.
Some of my exercising even rubbed off on Bawa.
My passion for alternative healing modalities grew as I battled my many health challenges. I studied and used 100+ year old healing techniques to reclaim my health, my life and my smile. I learned about the supreme importance of sleep. Craniosacral Therapy healed my back injury and the Bach Flower Remedies helped me overcome anxiety. As I continued to meditate, fear turned into freedom, dejection into hope and frustration into compassion.
I transformed into an even better version of myself. I have to admit, exercising helped 🙂
We both decided to consistently make cleaner, greener, healthier lifestyle choices. Ones that would complement our practice of meditation.
Through our 30+ years on this path, we learned many secrets and hacks to boost our energy levels and create stronger, healthier, resilient bodies. We became more productive and creative, took better decisions and developed a sharp intellect.
We learned to truly enjoy life.
We want to share our secrets with you.
We cannot make your problems Vanish
But we can give you the tools you need to deal with them
Here is to a Healthier, Stronger, Happier You!
4 Ways We Can Help You

Meditation & Breathwork



We want to make the spiritual wisdom of the ages, along with the esoteric secrets of the mind and body practical, relevant and fun for every single one of you – so that you too can finally begin to live the life you want to live.
Our Values
Keep it Simple
Things can get super complicated. We like to simplify, so our students and clients just “get it” – Get it?!
Have Authenticity
For us, authenticity and integrity are important. If we don’t know, we say we don’t know. If we cannot help, we say so, and point you in the best direction we would know
Make it Real
No unnecessary philosophy. We ensure that all we say or do has practical, real world application
Learn & Evolve
We keep learning and so should you. We are continuously improving everything about ourselves. We aim to move from one level of perfection to the next